3 Paving Design Tips for Your Front Walkway

When you've made the decision to replace the paving in your front yard or are getting it installed for the first time, there are so many things that you'll need to take into consideration to make sure that the paving is done well. When the intention is for the paving is to create a walkway from the sidewalk to your front door or driveway, you want to make sure that the paving has the look that you want and that you won't be frustrated with its condition later. Read More 

Are You Designing An Outdoor Patio?

Do you enjoy entertaining friends and family members at your home? Maybe the summer months are some of your favorite times to have friends over for visiting and to eat a meal outdoors. If so, maybe you have decided to add a patio to your back yard landscape.  Do you already have a fixed plan for what you want to do for an outdoor patio? If not, from contacting paving contractors to selecting the decor for your new patio, here are some ideas that might help you. Read More