Asphalt paving is a popular choice for both residential driveways and commercial parking lots due to its durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetic appeal. However, to ensure longevity and maintain the integrity of the asphalt surface, proper drainage and regular sealing are crucial aspects of asphalt maintenance.
Proper Drainage
Proper drainage is essential to maintain the integrity and durability of your asphalt surface. If water can't drain off properly, it can cause various issues:
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If you have an asphalt driveway that looks old, faded, and neglected, talk to a paving contractor about how you can revive the asphalt. The approach the contractor takes will depend on how much damage your driveway has. If your driveway only has mild cracks and small holes, sealcoating after repairs have been done could be the solution. Putting on a sealcoat is much less expensive than resurfacing or repaving your driveway.
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There are many advantages to sealcoating asphalt surfaces, such as preventing water from causing cracks to get bigger and extending the lifespan of asphalt. If you wish to accomplish these goals with sealcoating, make sure you hire a company that offers several things.
Effective Oil Stain Removal
If there are any oil stains on asphalt that you're looking to sealcoat, whether it's a driveway or parking lot for a commercial business, you need to remove them before a sealcoat is applied.
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Most driveways and other asphalt surfaces will eventually develop cracks, with more cracks typically appearing as the asphalt ages. While most cracks are a normal (and repairable) part of asphalt aging, you shouldn't ignore them or allow them to remain unaddressed for long. Although a few cracks don't necessarily mean your driveway is failing, they can lead to larger problems.
Next time you're walking across your driveway, look closely at the surface and examine it for signs of cracks.
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A well-organized and visually appealing parking lot is critical for your business. It plays a crucial role in ensuring safety while also promoting the efficient flow of traffic and enhancing the overall aesthetics of a commercial area. To this end, you will need to ensure that your parking lot has lines painted to help drivers more effectively navigate this space.
What Are The Benefits Of Having A Well-Striped Parking Lot?
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